I’m an artist at heart and I speak in form and colour. My inspiration is the natural world, however small, however it appears across my path. As so many of us, I’m dealing with loss and separation but throughout this most difficult of times, nature reminds me of renewal and rebirth.
Brave New World
New World
The year 2020 meant a dramatic change for most of us, me included. 2021 now demands a change to this blog. I want to focus more on my artwork than the surroundings of where I work. The location inspires me but I’m thinking that a combination of both is the way forward. I will continue […]
A walk… along a path
I had never noticed before the change to a dandelion clock after a shower. Isn’t that dramatic ? PS It took me ages to capture both my walking feet in one shot… I’ve added an ‘in motion’ photo to illustrate my difficulty, ha ha ! xx
So delighted to still be able to go out for a walk. I ventured out, rather timidly, but keeping well under a kilometer from my house, and within the 60 minutes specified in the new limitations for exercise under confinement regulations in France. With my attestation, proof of identity , front door key and sunglasses. […]
Autumn ….
There is a vine in the garden here, at Le Castelou, and every year the grapes are gathered and turned in to the most delicious juice… it’s a fiddly process but SO worth it for the rich ruby-red nectar that is the result. Once the grapes have been picked through, discarding leaves and rotten or […]
A Walk… becomes a Stay At Home
Fast approaching is the first weekend of season 2019. Each new year for the chambers d’hôtes (B&B) begins with the Easter/Spring holiday, continues into full summer… and beyond until the autumn leaves appear. So now is the time to concentrate on refreshing and re-organising our beautiful home in preparation for guests… whoever they be…
A walk… knocking on doors
A walk… along the road
Trees silhouetted against a brightening sky early one February morning…
A walk… after a long time
An evening walk… by the lake